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(1881) Newcomb, S. Note on the frequency of use of the different digits in natural numbers. American Journal of Mathematics 4(1), pp. 39-40. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9327. DOI:10.2307/2369148. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1912) Poincaré, H. Répartition des décimales dans une table numérique. pp 313-320 in: Calcul des Probabilités, Gauthier-Villars, Paris. FRE View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1916) Weyl, H. Über die Gleichverteilung von Zahlen mod Eins. Mathematische Annalen 77, 313-352. ISSN/ISBN:0025-5831. DOI:10.1007/BF01475864. GER View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1917) Franel, J. A propos des tables de logarithmes. Festschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, Vierteljahrsschrift 62, pp. 286-295. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1920) Boring, EG. The logic of the normal law of error in mental measurement. American Journal of Psychology 31, pp. 1-33. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9556. DOI:10.2307/1413989. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1931) van der Corput, JG. Diophantische Ungleichungen. I. Zur Gleichverteilung Modulo Eins. Acta Math. 56, no. 1, pp. 373-456. ISSN/ISBN:0001-5962. DOI:10.1007/BF02545780. GER View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1938) Benford, F. The law of anomalous numbers. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Mar. 31, 1938), pp. 551-572. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1939) Lévy, P. L'addition des variables aléatoires définies sur une circonférence. Bull. Soc. Math. France 67, pp. 1-41. FRE View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1944) Goudsmit, SA and Furry, WH. Significant figures of numbers in statistical tables. Nature 154(3921), pp. 800-801. ISSN/ISBN:0028-0836. DOI:10.1038/154800a0. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1945) Furry, WH and Hurwitz, H. Distribution of numbers and distribution of significant figures. Nature 155(3924), pp. 52-53. DOI:doi:10.1038/155052a0. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1945) Stigler, GJ. The distribution of leading digits in statistical tables. University of Chicago, Regenstein Library, Special Collections, George J. Stigler Archives. View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1946) Furlan, LV. Das Harmoniegesetz der Statistik: Eine Untersuchung ueber die metrische Interdependenz der sozialen Erscheinungen. Basel, Verlag fuer Recht und Gesellschaft AG, xiii:504p. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-6435.1948.tb00591.x. GER View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1948) Geiringer, H. Review of L.V. Furlan’s book. Journal of the American Statistical Association 43, pp. 325-328. DOI:10.2307/2280379. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1948) Hsü, EH. An Experimental Study on "Mental Numbers" and a New Application. The Journal of General Psychology 38, pp. 57-67. DOI:10.1080/00221309.1948.9711768. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1950) Moser, L and Macon, N. On the distribution of first digits of powers. Scripta Mathematica 16, pp. 290-292. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1952) Tsuji, M. On the uniform distribution of numbers mod 1. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 4(3/4), pp. 313-322. DOI:10.2969/jmsj/00430313. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1956) Herzel, A. Sulla distribuzione delle cifre iniziali die numeri statistic [On the frequency of initial digits of statistical numbers]. Atti XV e XVI Riunione sci., Roma, [Proceedings of the XV and XVI Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society." 1957. Faculty of Demographic and Actural Statistics. Institute of Statistics and Institute of Probability: No. 25] pp. 205-228. ITA View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1956) Wallis, WA and Roberts, HV. First digits of statistical tables. Example 331, pp 331-332 in: Statistics: A New Approach, The Free Press of Glencoe, Illinois, USA. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. No Bibliography works reference this work
(1957) Gini, C. Sulla frequenza delle cifre iniziali dei numeri osservati. Bull. Inst. Internat. Stat., 29th session, 35(2), pp. 57-76. ITA View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1961) Cigler, J and Helmberg, G. Neuere Entwicklungen der Theorie der Gleichverteilung. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung 64, pp. 1-50. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1961) Pinkham, RS. On the Distribution of First Significant Digits. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 32(4), pp. 1223-1230. ISSN/ISBN:0003-4851. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1961) Wouk, A. On digit distributions of random variables. J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 9(4), 597-603. ISSN/ISBN:0368-4245. DOI:10.1137/0109050. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1963) Weaver, W. The distribution of first significant digits. pp 270-277 in: Lady Luck: The Theory of Probability, Doubleday Anchor Series, New York. Republished by Dover, 1982. ISSN/ISBN:978-0486243429. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1964) Cigler, J. Methods of summability and uniform distribution mod 1. Compositio Mathematica 16, pp. 44-51. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1965) Good, IJ. Letter to the Editor. The American Statistician 19(3), p. 43. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1965) Konheim, AG. Mantissa distribution. Mathematics of Computation 19, pp. 143-144. DOI:10.1090/S0025-5718-1965-0175159-1. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1966) Flehinger, BJ. On the Probability that a Random Integer has Initial Digit A. American Mathematical Monthly 73(10), pp. 1056-1061. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9890. DOI:10.2307/2314636. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1967) Duncan, RL. An application of uniform distributions to the Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci Quarterly 5, pp. 137-140. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1968) Adhikari, AK and Sarkar, BP. Distribution of most significant digit in certain functions whose arguments are random variables. Sankhya-The Indian Journal of Statistics Series B, no. 30, pp. 47-58. ISSN/ISBN:0581-5738. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1968) Shenton, LR. Periodicity and density of modified Fibonacci sequences. Fibonacci Quarterly 6(2), 109-116. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1969) Adhikari, AK. Some Results on Distribution of Most Significant Digit. Sankhya-The Indian Journal of Statistics Series B, 31 (Dec), pp. 413-420. ISSN/ISBN:0581-5738. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1969) Bumby, R and Ellentuck, E. Finitely additive measures and the first digit problem. Fundamenta Mathematicae 65, pp. 33-42. ISSN/ISBN:0016-2736. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1969) Duncan, RL. Note on the initial digit problem. Fibonacci Quarterly 7(5), pp. 474-475. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1969) Fairthorne, RA. Progress in Documentation - Empirical Hyperbolic Distributions (Bradford-Zipf-Mandelbrot) for Bibliometric Description and Prediction. Journal of Documentation 25(4), pp. 319-343; reprinted 2005 in Journal of Documentation 61(2), pp. 171-193. ISSN/ISBN:0022-0418. DOI:10.1108/00220410510585179. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1969) Kuipers, L. Remark on a paper by R.L. Duncan concerning the uniform distribution mod 1 of the sequence of the logarithms of the Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci Quarterly 7, pp. 465-466, 473. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1969) Raimi, RA. The Peculiar Distribution of First Digits. Scientific American 221(6), pp. 109-120. ISSN/ISBN:0036-8733. DOI: 10.1038/scientificamerican1269-109. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1969) Raimi, RA. On Distribution of First Significant Figures. American Mathematical Monthly 76(4), pp. 342-348. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9890. DOI:10.2307/2316424. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1969) Wong, JT. On the generalization of the distribution of the significant digits under computation. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Mathematics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. No Bibliography works reference this work
(1970) Brown, JR and Duncan, RL. Modulo one uniform distribution of the sequence of logarithms of certain recursive sequences. Fibonacci Quarterly 8, pp. 482-486. ISSN/ISBN:0015-0517. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1970) Hamming, R. On the distribution of numbers. Bell Syst. Tech. J. 49(8), pp. 1609-1625. ISSN/ISBN:0005-8580. DOI:10.1002/j.1538-7305.1970.tb04281.x. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1971) Feller, W. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications. 2nd ed., J. Wiley (see p 63, vol 2). View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1971) Thorp, E and Whitley, R. Poincaré's conjecture and the distribution of digits in logarithm tables. Compositio Mathematica 23(2), 233-250. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1971) Wlodarski, J. Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers tend to obey Benford’s law. Fibonacci Quarterly 9, 87-88. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1972) Mardia, KV. The distribution of first significant digits. pp 92-93 in: Statistics of Directional Data, Academic Press. ISSN/ISBN:9780124711501. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1972) Varian, HR. Benford’s law. The American Statistician 26(3), 65-66. DOI:10.1080/00031305.1972.10478934. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1972) Whitney, RE. Initial digits for the sequence of primes. American Mathematical Monthly 79(2), pp. 150-152. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9890. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1973) Kreifelts, T. Optimal Choice of Basis for a Floating-Point Arithmetic [Optimale Wahl für eine Gleitkomma-Arithmetik] . Computing 11(4), pp. 353-363. ISSN/ISBN:0010-485X. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1973) Kuipers, L and Shiue, JS. Remark on a paper by Duncan and Brown on the sequence of logarithms of certain recursive sequences. Fibonacci Quarterly 11(3), pp. 292-294. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1973) Niederreiter, H and Philipp, W. Berry-Esseen bounds and a theorem of Erdős and Turàn on uniform distribution mod 1. Duke Mathematical Journal 40(3), 633-649. DOI:10.1215/S0012-7094-73-04055-6. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1973) Rindler, H. Ein Problem aus der Theorie der Gleichverteilung. II. Math. Z. 135, pp. 73-92. ISSN/ISBN:0025-5874. DOI:10.1007/BF01214307. GER View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1973) Sarkar, BP. An Observation on the Significant Digits of Binomial Coefficients and Factorials. Sankhya - The Indian Journal of Statistics Series B 35(3), 363-364. ISSN/ISBN:0581-5738. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1973) Schatte, P. Zur Verteilung der Mantisse in der Gleitkommadarstellung einer Zufallsgröße (Distribution of Mantissa in Floating Point Diagram of Random Variable). Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 53(8), 553-565. ISSN/ISBN:0044-2267. DOI:10.1002/zamm.19730530807. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1973) Sentance, WA. A further analysis of Benford’s law. Fibonacci Quarterly 11, 490-494. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1974) Banks, WP and Hill, DK. The Apparent Magnitude of Number Scaled by Random Production. Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (2), pp. 353-376. ISSN/ISBN:0022-1015. DOI:10.1037/h0035850. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1974) Duran, JP. Almost convergence, summability and ergodicity. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 26(2), pp. 372-387. DOI:10.4153/CJM-1974-039-6. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1974) Kuipers, L and Niederreiter, H. Uniform Distribution of Sequences. J. Wiley; newer edition - 2006 from Dover. ISSN/ISBN:0486450198. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1974) Tsao, NK. On the Distributions of Significant Digits and Roundoff Errors. Communications of the ACM 17(5), 269-271. ISSN/ISBN:0001-0782. DOI:10.1145/360980.360998. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1975) Baird, JC. Psychophysical study of numbers: V. Preferred State Theory of Matching Functions. Psychological Research 38 (Jun), pp. 189-207. DOI:10.1007/BF00308524. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1975) Baird, JC. Psychophysical study of numbers: IV. Generalized Preferred State Theory. Psychological Research 38 (Jun), pp. 175-187. DOI:10.1007/BF00308523. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1975) Baird, JC and Noma, E. Psychophysical study of numbers: I. Generation of numerical responses. Psychological Research 37 (Dec), pp. 281-297. DOI:10.1007/BF00309723. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1975) Noma, E and Baird, JC. Psychophysical study of numbers: II. Theoretical models of number generation. Psychological Research 38 (1), pp. 81-95. DOI:10.1007/BF00308940. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1975) Webb, W. Distribution of the first digits of Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci Quarterly 13, pp. 334-336. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1975) Weissmann, SM, Hollingsworth, SR and Baird, JC. Psychophysical studies of numbers: III. Methodological applications. Psychological Research 38(1), 97-115. DOI:10.1007/BF00308941. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1976) Cohen, DIA. An Explanation of the First Digit Phenomenon. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 20(3), pp. 367-370. ISSN/ISBN:0097-3165. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1976) Davis, B. Some Remarks on Initial Digits. Fibonacci Quarterly 14(1), pp. 13-14. ISSN/ISBN:0015-0517. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1976) Feldstein, A and Goodman, R. Convergence Estimates for Distribution of Trailing Digits. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 23(2), pp. 287-297. ISSN/ISBN:0004-5411. DOI:10.1145/321941.321948. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1976) Raimi, RA. The First Digit Problem. American Mathematical Monthly 83(7), pp. 521-538. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9890. DOI:10.2307/2319349. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1977) Diaconis, P. The Distribution of Leading Digits and Uniform Distribution Mod 1. Annals of Probability 5(1), pp. 72-81. ISSN/ISBN:0091-1798. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1977) Diaconis, P. Examples of the theory of infinite iteration of summability methods. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 29(3), pp. 489-497. DOI:10.4153/CJM-1977-053-1. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1977) Goudsmit, SA. Pitfalls in Elementary Probability. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 121(2), pp. 188-189. ISSN/ISBN:0003-049X. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1977) Rosenkrantz, RD. Benford's Law. Example 3.6.6, pp 67-68, p. 78, p. 215 in: Inference, Method and Decision: Towards a Bayesian Philosophy of Science, Reidel Publishing Company, USA. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1977) Ylvisaker, D. Test Resistance. Journal of the American Statistical Association 72(359), 551-556. ISSN/ISBN:0162-1459. DOI:10.1080/01621459.1977.10480612. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1978) Brady, WG. More on Benford’s law. Fibonacci Quarterly 16(1), pp. 51-52. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1978) Logan, JL and Goudsmit, SA. The First Digit Phenomenon. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 122(4), pp. 193-197. ISSN/ISBN:0003-049X. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1978) Stigler, SM. Mathematical Statistics in the Early States. Annals of Statistics 6(2), 239-265. ISSN/ISBN:0090-5364. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1979) Bustoz, J, Feldstein, A, Goodman, R and Linnainmaa, S. Improved Trailing Digits Estimates Applied to Optimal Computer Arithmetic. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 26(4), pp. 716-730. ISSN/ISBN:0004-5411. DOI:10.1145/322154.322162. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1979) Diaconis, P and Freedman, D. On Rounding Percentages. Journal of the American Statistical Association 74(366), pp. 359-364. ISSN/ISBN:0162-1459. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1979) Hafner, EM. Circular slide roulette. IEEE Communications Magazine 17(2), pp. 29-32. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1980) Matula, VV and Kornerup, P. Foundations of Finite Precision Rational Arithmetic. pp 85-111 in: Alefeld, G, Grigorieff, RD (eds.) Fundamentals of Numerical Computation (Computer-Oriented Numerical Analysis), Computing Supplementum 2, Springer, Wien-New York. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1981) Hubert, JJ. General Bibliometric Models. Library Trends 30(1), pp. 65-81. ISSN/ISBN:0024-2594. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1981) Kennard, R and Reith, J. On the distribution of first digits. Communications in Statistics. Simulation and computation 10(1), pp. 97-98. DOI:10.1080/03610918108812195. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1981) Knopfmacher, J. Initial digits in number theory. Fibonacci Quarterly 19(2), pp. 121-126. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1981) Peters, JV. An equivalent form of Benford's law. Fibonacci Quarterly 19(1), pp. 74-76. ISSN/ISBN:0015-0517. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1981) Peters, JV. A combinatoric proof of Benford's law. Aequationes Mathematicae 23(1), pp. 122-123. DOI:10.1007/BF02188018. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1981) Preece, DA. Distribution of Final Digits in Data. The Statistician 30(1), pp. 31-60. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1981) Schatte, P. On random variables with logarithmic mantissa distribution relative to several bases. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 17(4/6), 293-295. ISSN/ISBN:0013-5712. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1981) Scozzafava, R. Un esempio concreto di probabilita non σ-additiva: la distribuzione della prima cifra significativa dei dati statistici. Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. A(5) 18(3), 403-410. ITA View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1981) Scozzafava, R. Non conglomerability and the First Digit Problem. Statistica 41(4), 561-565. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1981) Washington, LC. Benford’s law for Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. Fibonacci Quarterly 19, 175-177. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1982) Becker, PW. Patterns in Listings of Failure-Rate and MTTF Values and Listings of Other Data. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 31(2), 132-134. ISSN/ISBN:0018-9529. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1982) Olver, FWJ. Further Developments of Rp and Ap Error Analysis. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2(3), pp. 249-274. ISSN/ISBN:0272-4979. DOI:10.1093/imanum/2.3.249. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1982) Pavlov, AI. On the distribution of fractional parts and Benford’s law. Math. USSR Izvestija 19(1), 65-77. English translation of: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 1981, 45(4), 760–774. DOI:10.1070/IM1982v019n01ABEH001411. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1982) Regazzini, E. La legge di Benford-Furlan come legge statistica (The Benford-Furlan law as a statistical law). Statistica 42(3), pp. 351-370. ITA View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1982) Turner, PR. The Distribution of Leading Significant Digits. IMA Journal orf Numerical Analysis 2(4), 407-412. ISSN/ISBN:0272-4979. DOI:10.1093/imanum/2.4.407. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1983) Haber, S. Parameters for Integrating Periodic Functions of Several Variables. Mathematics of Computation 41(163), pp. 115-129. ISSN/ISBN:0025-5718. DOI:10.1090/S0025-5718-1983-0701628-X. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1983) Iyengar, SS, Rajagopal, AK and Uppuluri, VRR. String Patterns of Leading Digits. Applied Mathematics and Computation 12(4), pp. 321-337. ISSN/ISBN:0096-3003. DOI:10.1016/0096-3003(83)90045-0. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1983) Kak, SC. Strings of first digits of powers of a number. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 14(7), pp. 896-907. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1983) Robertson, JB, Uppuluri, VRR and Rajagopal, AK. First digit phenomenon and ergodic theory. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 95(2), pp. 375-378. DOI:10.1016/0022-247X(83)90113-0. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1983) Schatte, P. On sums modulo 2π of independent random variables. Math. Nachr. 110, 243-262. DOI:10.1002/mana.19831100118. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1983) Schatte, P. On H -summability and the uniform distribution of sequences. Math. Nachr. 113, 237-243. DOI:10.1002/mana.19831130122. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1983) Whittaker, JV. On scale-invariant distributions. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 43(2), pp. 257-267. DOI:10.1137/0143017. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) Cohen, DIA and Katz, TM. Prime Numbers and the First Digit Phenomenon. Journal of Number Theory 18(3), pp. 261-268. ISSN/ISBN:0022-314X. DOI:10.1016/0022-314X(84)90061-1. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) Friedberg, SH. The Distribution of First Digits. College Mathematics Journal 15(2), pp. 120-125. ISSN/ISBN:0049-4925. DOI:10.2307/2686516. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) Fuchs, A and Letta, G. Sur le problème du premier chiffre décimal. Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, VI. Ser., B 3, pp. 451-461. FRE View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) McLaughlin, WI and Lundy, SA. Digit functions of integer sequences. Fibonacci Quarterly 22(2), pp. 105-115. ISSN/ISBN:0015-0517. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) Nagasaka, K. On Benford's Law. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 36(2), pp. 337-352. ISSN/ISBN:0020-3157. DOI:10.1007/BF02481974. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) Nelson, LS. Display Tables and Significant Digits. Journal of Quality Technology 16(3), pp. 175-176. ISSN/ISBN:0022-4065. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) Rajagopal, AK, Uppuluri, VRR, Scott, DS, Iyengar, SS and Yellayi, M. New structural properties of strings generated by leading digits of 2N. Applied Mathematics and Computation 14(3), pp. 221-244. DOI:10.1016/0096-3003(84)90023-7. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) Schatte, P. On the asymptotic uniform distribution of sums reduced mod 1. Math. Nachr. 115, 275-281. DOI:10.1002/mana.19841150121. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) Schmidt, R and Lacher, R. Probabilistic repeatability among some irrationals. College Mathematics Journal 15(4), 330-332. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1984) Sheynin, OB. On the History of the Statistical Method in Astronomy. Archive for History of Exact Sciences 29(2), 151-199. ISSN/ISBN:2782843 (0003-9519). DOI:10.1007/BF00348245. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1984) Turner, PR. Further Revelations on L.S.D.. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 4(2), 225-231. ISSN/ISBN:0272-4979. DOI:10.1093/imanum/4.2.225. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1985) Barlow, JL and Bareiss, EH. On Roundoff Error Distributions in Floating Point and Logarithmic Arithmetic. Computing 34(4), pp. 325-347. ISSN/ISBN:0010-485X. DOI:10.1007/BF02251833. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1985) Fuchs, A and Nanopoulos, P. Mesures invariantes par translation, classes de Dynkin first-digit problem. Advances in Mathematics 55, pp. 24-74. DOI:10.1016/0001-8708(85)90004-0. FRE View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1985) Goodman, RH, Feldstein, A and Bustoz, J. Relative Error in Floating-Point Multiplication. Computing 35, pp. 127-139. ISSN/ISBN:1436-5057. DOI:10.1007/BF02260500. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1985) Goto, K and Kano, T. Uniform distribution of some special sequences. Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 61(3), pp. 83-86. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1985) Raimi, RA. The First Digit Phenomenon Again. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 129(2), pp. 211-219. ISSN/ISBN:0003-049X. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1985) Tichy, RF. Uniform distribution and diophantine inequalities. Monatsh. Math. 99(2), 147-152. ISSN/ISBN:0026-9255. DOI:10.1007/BF01304194. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1985) Uppuluri, VRR and Patil, SA. The distribution of the first j digits of beta related random variables. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 14(2), 467-472. DOI:10.1080/03610918508812450. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1986) Feldstein, A and Turner, P. Overflow, Underflow, and Severe Loss of Significance in Floating-Point Addition and Subtraction. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 6, pp. 241-251. DOI:10.1093/imanum/6.2.241. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1986) Gilio, A. Un'applicazione del concetto di pseudodensita al problema della prima cifra significativa dei dati statistici [An application of the pseudodensity concept to the first digit problem significant for statistical data]. Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni VII. Ser. 6 (1-2), pp. 215-224. ITA View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1986) Good, IJ. Some statistical applications of Poisson’s work. Statistical Science 1(2), pp. 157-170. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1986) Hoare, GTQ and Wright, EE. The distribution of first significant digits. The Mathematical Gazette 70(451), pp. 34-37. DOI:10.2307/3615826. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1986) Holzer, S and Sempi, C. A remark on metrics for finitely additive distribution functions. Stochastica 10(2), pp. 191-194. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1986) Katz, TM and Cohen, DIA. The first digit property for exponential sequences is independent of the underlying distribution. Fibonacci Quarterly 24(1), pp. 2-7. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1986) Lemons, DS. On the Numbers of Things and the Distribution of first Digits. American Journal of Physics 54(9), pp. 816-817. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9505. DOI:10.1119/1.14453. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1986) Nagasaka, K and Shiue, JS. Benford’s law for linear recurrence sequences. pp 33-54 in: Transcendental numbers and related topics. Proceedings of the Symposium in Kyoto, April 23-25, 1986, by Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Kyoto: Kyoto University. View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1986) Patil, SA and Uppuluri, VRR. The distribution of first j digits. College Mathematical Journal 17(3), pp. 240-243. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1986) Schatte, P. On the Asymptotic Logarithmic Distribution of the Floating-Point Mantissas of Sums. Math. Nachr. 127, 7-20. ISSN/ISBN:0025-584X. DOI:10.1002/mana.19861250102. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1987) Kunoff, S. N! has the first digit property. Fibonacci Quarterly 25, pp. 365-367. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1987) Nagasaka, K and Shiue, JS. Benford's law for linear recurrence sequences. Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 11(2), pp. 341-351. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1987) Schatte, P. On the Asymptotic Behaviour of the Mantissa Distributions of Sums. Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics EIK 23(7), 353-360. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1987) Schatte, P. Some estimates of the H -uniform distribution. Monatshefte für Mathematik 103, 233-240. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1987) Scheidt, JK and Schelin, CW. Distributions of floating point numbers. Computing 38(4), 315-324. ISSN/ISBN:0010-485X. DOI:10.1007/BF02278709. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1987) Tichy, RF. Gleichverteilung zum Summierungsverfahren H∞. Math. Nachr. 131(1), 119-125. DOI:10.1002/mana.19871310112. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1987) Tichy, RF. Statistische Resultate über computergerechte Darstellungen von Zahlen. Anzeiger der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 124, pp.1-8. GER View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1987) Turner, PR. The distribution of l.s.d. and its implications for computer design. The Mathematical Gazette 71 (March), 26-31. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1988) Carslaw, CAPN. Anomalies in Income Numbers: Evidence of Goal Oriented Behavior. The Accounting Review 63(2), pp. 321-327. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1988) Hill, TP. Random-Number Guessing and the First Digit Phenomenon. Psychological Reports 62(3), pp. 967-971. ISSN/ISBN:0033-2941. DOI:10.2466/pr0.1988.62.3.967. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1988) Jager, H and Liardet, P. Distribution arithmétiques des dénominateurs de convergents de fractions continues. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Indag. Math. 50(2), pp. 181-197. DOI:10.1016/S1385-7258(88)80026-X. FRE View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1988) Kanemitsu, S, Nagasaka, K, Rauzy, G and Shiue, JS. On Benford’s law: the first digit problem. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1299, pp. 158-169 (eds. Watanabe, S, and Prokhorov, YV). ISSN/ISBN:978-3-540-18814-8. DOI:10.1007/BFb0078471. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1988) Schatte, P. On mantissa distributions in computing and Benford’s law. Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics EIK 24(9), 443-455. ISSN/ISBN:0863-0593. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1988) Schatte, P. On the uniform distribution of certain sequences and Benford’s law. Math. Nachr. 136, 271-273. DOI:10.1002/mana.19881360119. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1988) Schatte, P. On the Almost Sure Convergence of Floating-Point Mantissas and Benford Law. Math. Nachr. 135, 79-83. ISSN/ISBN:0025-584X. DOI:10.1002/mana.19881350108. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1988) Schatte, P. On a law of the iterated logarithm for sums mod 1 with application to Benford's law. Probability Theory and Related Fields 77(2), 167-178. ISSN/ISBN:0178-8051. DOI:10.1007/BF00334035. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1988) van Maanen, H. De wet van.... Boom Meppel:Amsterdam; Chapter "Benford", pp.109-112. ISSN/ISBN:90-6009-865-X. DUT View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. No Bibliography works reference this work
(1989) Clenshaw, CV, Olver, FWJ and Turner, PR. Level-Index Arithmetic - An Introductory Survey. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1397, pp. 95-168. ISSN/ISBN:0075-8434. DOI:10.1007/BFb0085718. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1989) Davis, BS and Davis, TA. Fibonacci numbers and the golden mean in nature. The Mathematical Scientist 14(2), pp. 89-100. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1989) Schatte, P. On measures of uniformly distributed sequences and Benford's law. Monatshefte für Mathematik 107(3), 245-256. ISSN/ISBN:0026-9255. DOI:10.1007/BF01300347. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1989) Thomas, JK. Unusual Patterns in Reported Earnings. Accounting Review 64(4), 773-787. ISSN/ISBN:0001-4826. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1990) Nagasaka, K, Kanemitsu, S and Shiue, JS. Benford’s law: The logarithmic law of first digit. In: Győry, K, Halász, G. (eds.) Number theory. Vol. I. Elementary and analytic, Proc. Conf., Budapest/Hung. 1987, Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai 51, pp. 361-391 . View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1990) Schatte, P. On Benford’s law for continued fractions. Math. Nachr. 148, 137-144. DOI:10.1002/mana.3211480108. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1991) Burke, J and Kincanon, E. Benford's Law and Physical Constants - The Distribution of Initial Digits. American Journal of Physics 59 (10), p. 952. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9505. DOI:10.1119/1.16838. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1991) Byalko, AV. Statistics of Coefficients in Physical Formulas. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 88(1), pp. 782-787. ISSN/ISBN:0040-5779. DOI:10.1007/BF01016350. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1991) Giuliano-Antonini, R. On the notion of uniform distribution mod 1. Fibonacci Quarterly 29(3), pp. 230-234. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1991) McCloskey, M, Harley, W and Sokol, SM. Models of Arithmetic Fact retrieval - An Evaluation in Light of Findings from Normal and Brain-Damaged Subjects. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning Memory and Cognition 17(3), pp. 377-397. ISSN/ISBN:0278-7393. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1991) Sakai, H. Frequency distribution of first digit among population. Jinko mondai kenkyu. [Journal of population problems] 47(3), pp. 74-78. JPN View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1991) Schatte, P. On a uniform law of the iterated logarithm for sums mod 1 and Benford’s law. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 31(1), 133-142. DOI:10.1007/BF00972327. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1991) Schatte, P and Nagasaka, K. A note on Benford’s law for second order linear recurrences with periodical coefficients. Z. Anal. Anwend. 10(2), pp. 251-254. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1992) Ashcraft, MH. Cognitive arithmetic: A review of data and theory. Cognition 44 (Aug), pp. 75-106. ISSN/ISBN:0010-0277. DOI:10.1016/0010-0277(92)90051-I. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1992) Busta, B and Sundheim, R. Tax return numbers tend to obey Benford's law. Center for Business Research Working Paper No. W93-106-94, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1992) Busta, B and Sundheim, R. Detecting manipulated tax returns with the use of Benford's Law. Center for Business Research Working Paper W95-106-94, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1992) Craig, TR. Round-off bias in earnings-per-share calculations. Journal of Applied Business Research 8 (4), pp. 106-113. DOI:10.19030/jabr.v8i4.6131. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1992) Dehaene, S and Mehler, J. Cross-Linguistic Regularities in the Frequency of Number Words. Cognition 43(1), pp. 1-29. ISSN/ISBN:0010-0277. DOI:10.1016/0010-0277(92)90030-L. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1992) Goto, K. Some examples of Benford sequences. Mathematical Journal of the Okayama University 34, pp. 225-232. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1992) Jech, T. The Logarithmic Distribution of Leading Digits and Finitely Additive Measures. Discrete Mathematics 108(1-3), pp. 53-57. ISSN/ISBN:0012-365X. DOI:10.1016/0012-365X(92)90659-4. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1992) Nigrini, MJ. The Detection of Income Tax Evasion Through an Analysis of Digital Frequencies. PhD thesis, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1992) Schilling, MF. Sequential Partitioning. American Mathematical Monthly 99(9), 846-855. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9890. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1992) Too, YH. On the uniform distribution modulo one of some log-like sequences. Proc. Japan Acad. A 68, 269-272. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1993) Buck, B, Merchant, AC and Perez, SM. An illustration of Benford’s first digit law using alpha decay half lives. European Journal of Physics 14, pp. 59-63. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1993) Christian, CW and Gupta, S. New evidence on "Secondary Evasion". The Journal of the American Taxation Association 15(1), pp. 72-93. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1993) Deakin, MAB. Another derivation of Benford’s law. Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 20, pp. 162-163. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. No Bibliography works reference this work
(1993) Nigrini, MJ. Can Benford's law be used in forensic accounting?. The Balance Sheet (June), pp. 7-8. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1993) Rieger, J. Das Rätsel der ersten Ziffern. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Oktober 20. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1993) Stewart, I. The half-life of a dirty book. New Scientist 138(1872), p. 12 . ISSN/ISBN:02624079. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1993) Sundheim, R and Busta, B. Fibonacci numbers tend to obey Benford's law: an extension of Wlodarski and Sentance. Working Paper, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1994) Boyle, J. An Application of Fourier Series to the Most Significant Digit Problem. American Mathematical Monthly 101(9), pp. 879-886. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9890. DOI:10.2307/2975136. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1994) Chaitin-Chatelin, F. Le calcul sur ordinateur a precision finie. Theorie et etat de l’art. CERFACS REPORT TR/PA/94/05. FRE View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1994) Filipponi, P. Fn and Ln cannot have the same initial digit. Pi Mu Epsilon Journal 10.1, pp. 5-6. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1994) Johnstone, P and Petry, FE. Design and Analysis of Nonbinary Radix Floating-Point Representations. Computers & Electrical Engineering 20(1), pp. 39-50. ISSN/ISBN:0045-7906. DOI:10.1016/0045-7906(94)90005-1. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1994) Nigrini, MJ. Using digital frequencies to detect fraud. Fraud Magazine, The White Paper Index 8(2), pp. 3-6. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1994) Stewart, I. Das Gesetz der ersten Ziffer. Mathematische Unterhaltungen, in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft (April), 16-20. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1994) Wilms, RJG and Brands, JJAM. On the asymptotically uniform distribution modulo 1 of extreme order statistics. Statistica Neerlandica 48(1), 63-70. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9574.1994.tb01431.x. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1995) Albers, DJ. Professor of Magic Mathematics. Math Horizons Vol 2(3), February, pp. 11-15. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. No Bibliography works reference this work
(1995) Ashcraft, MH and Christy, KS. The Frequency of Arithmetic Facts in Elementary Texts: Addition and Multiplication in Grades 1-6. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 26(5), pp. 396-421. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1995) Berton, L. He’s Got Their Number: Scholar Uses Math to Foil Financial Fraud. The Wall Street Journal, p. B1, July 10. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1995) Chaitin-Chatelin, F. Le calcul qualitatif. Comment donner un sens a des resultats faux?. CERFACS REPORT TR/PA/95/10. FRE View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1995) Filipponi, P and Menicocci, R. Some Probabilistic Aspects of the Terminal Digits of Fibonacci Numbers. Fibonacci Quarterly 33(4), pp. 325-331. ISSN/ISBN:0015-0517. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1995) Hill, TP. A Statistical Derivation of the Significant-Digit Law. Statistical Science 10(4), pp. 354-363. ISSN/ISBN:0883-4237. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1995) Hill, TP. The Significant-Digit Phenomenon. American Mathematical Monthly 102(4), pp. 322-327. DOI:10.2307/2974952. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1995) Hill, TP. Base-Invariance Implies Benford's Law. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123(3), pp. 887-895. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9939. DOI:10.2307/2160815. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1995) McConville, DJ. Benford’s law traps check fraud perps. Corporate Cashflow, Vol. 16(9), September, pp. 12. View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1995) Mosimann, JE, Wiseman CV and Edelman RE. Data fabrication: Can people generate random digits?. Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance 4(1), pp. 31-55. DOI:10.1080/08989629508573866. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1995) Nigrini, MJ and Wood, W. Assessing the integrity of tabulated demographic data. Unpublished manuscript - Univ. Cincinnati and St. Mary’s University. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1995) Robinson, D. Dr. Digit's truth serum. Canadian Business, September 1995, p. 21. View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. No Bibliography works reference this work
(1995) Tutton, M. Lover of the law of numbers. CA Magazine, Vol. 128, Iss 4, May, pp. 7. ISSN/ISBN:0317-6878. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1995) Zbrodoff, NJ. Why is 9+7 harder than 2+3 - Strength and Interference as Explanations of the Problem-Size Effect. Memory & Cognition 23(6), 689-700. ISSN/ISBN:0090-502X. DOI:10.3758/BF03200922. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Chaitin-Chatelin, F. Is finite precision arithmetic useful for physics?. Journal of Universal Computer Science 2(5), pp. 380-395. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1996) Chaitin-Chatelin, F and Frayssé, V. Lectures on Finite Precision Computations. SIAM. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Durrett, R. Probability: Theory and Examples (2nd ed). Duxbury Press (p 301); [Benford refs on different pages in newer editions.]. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Feldstein, A and Turner, PR. Overflow and underflow in multiplication and division. Applied Numerical Mathematics 21(3), pp. 221-239. ISSN/ISBN:0168-9274. DOI:10.1016/0168-9274(96)00010-4. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Fuchs, A and Letta, G. Le problème du premier chiffre décimal pour les nombres premiers. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 3(2), R25. FRE View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Hill, TP. A note on distributions of true versus fabricated data. Perceptual and Motor Skills 83, pp. 776-778 Part 1. ISSN/ISBN:0031-5215. DOI:10.2466/pms.1996.83.3.776. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Humenberger, H. Das Benford-Gesetz über die Verteilung der ersten Ziffer von Zahlen. Stochastik in der Schule 16(3), pp. 2–17. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Laherrère, J. Distributions de type “fractal parabolique” dans la Nature. Comptes Rendus de l‘Academie des Sciences 322, Serie II a, no. 7, pp. 535-541. FRE View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1996) Ley, E. On the Peculiar Distribution of the US Stock Indexes' Digits. American Statistician 50(4), pp. 311-313. ISSN/ISBN:0003-1305. DOI:10.1080/00031305.1996.10473558. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Nigrini, MJ. A taxpayer compliance application of Benford’s law. Journal of the American Taxation Association 18(1), pp. 72-91. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Nigrini, MJ. Digital Analysis and the Reduction of Auditor Litigation Risk. Proceedings of the 1996 Deloitte & Touche / University of Kansas Symposium on Auditing Problems, ed. M. Ettredge, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, pp. 69-81. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1996) Volcic, A. The First Digit Problem and Scale-Invariance. In: P. Marcellini, G. Talenti and E. Vesentini (eds), Partial differential equations and applications: collected papers in honor of Carlo Pucci. Marcel Dekker, pp. 329-340 . View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1997) Allaart, PC. An invariant-sum characterization of Benford's law. Journal of Applied Probability 34(1), pp. 288-291. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1997) Drmota, M and Tichy, RF. Sequences, Discrepancies and Applications. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1651. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1997) Hill, TP. Benford law. Encyclopedia of Mathematics Supplement, vol. 1, pp. 102-103. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1997) Humenberger, H. Eine Ergänzung zum Benford-Gesetz — weitere mögliche schulrelevante Aspekte. Stochastik in der Schule 17(3), pp. 42–48. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1997) Irmay, S. The relationship between Zipf's law and the distribution of first digits. Journal of Applied Statistics 24(4), pp. 383-393. ISSN/ISBN:0266-4763. DOI:10.1080/02664769723594. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1997) Knuth, DE. The Art of Computer Programming. pp. 253-264, vol. 2, 3rd ed, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1997) Nigrini, MJ and Mittermaier, LJ. The use of Benford's Law as an aid in analytical procedures. Auditing - A Journal of Practice & Theory 16(2), 52-67. ISSN/ISBN:0278-0380. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1997) Smith, SW. Explaining Benford's Law. Chapter 34 in: The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing. California Technical Publishing: San Diego, CA. Republished in softcover by Newnes, 2002. ISSN/ISBN:0-9660176-3-3. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1998) Browne, MW. Following Benford’s law, or looking out for no. 1. The New York Times, August 4, 1998. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1998) Busta, B and Weinberg, R. Using Benford’s law and neural networks as a review procedure. Managerial Auditing Journal 13(6), pp. 356-366. DOI:10.1108/02686909810222375. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1998) Candeloro, D. Some remarks on the first digit problem. Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 46 (1998), suppl., 511-532. View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1998) Cockshott, WP, McGregor, D and Wilson, J. High-Performance Operations Using a Compressed Database Architecture. The Computer Journal 41(5), pp. 283-296. ISSN/ISBN:0010-4620. DOI:10.1093/comjnl/41.5.283. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1998) De Ceuster, MJK, Dhaene, G and Schatteman, T. On the hypothesis of psychological barriers in stock markets and Benford’s law. Journal of Empirical Finance 5(3), pp. 263-279. DOI:10.1016/S0927-5398(97)00024-8. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1998) Dworschak, M. Weiter Weg zur Zwei. Der Spiegel 47, 16 November, pp. 228-229. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1998) Hill, TP. The First-Digit Phenomenon. American Scientist 86 (4), pp. 358-363. ISSN/ISBN:0003-0996. DOI:10.1511/1998.4.358. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1998) Nigrini, MJ. Numerology for Accountants. Journal of Accountancy 186(5), November 1998, p. 15. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1998) Nigrini, MJ. Digital Analysis: a Computer-Assisted Data Analysis Tecnology for Internal Auditors. IT Audit, Vol 1, The Institute of Internal Auditors. View Complete Reference No online information available No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
(1998) Nilsson, J. Ständigt dessa ettor .... Dagens Nyheter, November 8. SWE View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. No Bibliography works reference this work
(1998) Peterson, I. First Digits. Science News Online, Ivars Peterson's MathTrek, 27 June. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1998) Pietronero, L, Tosatti, E, Tosatti, V and Vespignani, A. The Uneven Distribution of Numbers in Nature. Arxiv preprint cond-mat/9808305, 1998 - View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1998) Sandouly, P. Fraudes la preuve par 1. Jeune Afrique 1978, December 8. FRE View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1998) Schatte, P. On Benford's law to variable base. Statistics & Probability Letters 37(4): 391-397. ISSN/ISBN:0167-7152. DOI:10.1016/S0167-7152(97)00142-9. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1998) Schimmeck, T. Eins zu null für Eins. Der Zufall mag manche Ziffern lieber als andere. Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin Nr. 45, November 6. GER View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1998) Slijepčević, S. A note on initial digits of recurrence sequences. Fibonacci Quarterly 36(4), 305-308. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(1999) Allen, DP. A new approach to the first digit phenomenon. The Toth-Maatian Review 14(3), pp. 6839-6847. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(1999) Banks, DG. Benford’s Law Made Easy. Fraud Magazine, September/October 1999. View Complete Reference Online information No Bibliography works referenced by this work. Works that reference this work
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(2011) Berger, A and Hill, TP. Benford's Law Strikes Back: No Simple Explanation in Sight for Mathematical Gem. The Mathematical Intelligencer 33(1), pp. 85-91. DOI:10.1007/ s00283-010-9182-3. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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(2013) Strauch, O. Unsolved Problems. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 56(3), pp. 175-178. DOI:10.2478/tmmp-2013-0029. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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(2013) Tong, SF, Zhang, Z, Xie, Y and Wu, X. Image Splicing Detection Based on Statistical Properties of Benford Model. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013), pp. 0792-0795. ISSN/ISBN:978-90-78677-61-1. DOI:10.2991/iccsee.2013.200. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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(2013) Wojcik, MR. How fast increasing powers of a continuous random variable converge to Benford’s law. Statistics and Probability Letters 83, pp. 2688–2692. ISSN/ISBN:0167-7152. DOI:10.1016/j.spl.2013.09.003. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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(2013) Yanik, R and Samanci, TH. Benford Kanunu ve Muhasebe Verilerinde Uygulanmasına Ait Kamu Sektöründe Bir Uygulama [Benford’s Law and a Practical Implementation in Public Sector About its Application to Accounting Data]. Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences, Vol. 17 Issue 1, pp. 335-348. ISSN/ISBN:1304-4990. TUR View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(2013) Zheng, S. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Benford Sequences. Pi Mu Epsilon Journal 13(9), pp. 553 – 561. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(2014) Alexopoulos, T and Leontsinis, S. Benford's Law in Astronomy. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 35(4), pp. 639-648. ISSN/ISBN:0250-6335. DOI:10.1007/s12036-014-9303-z. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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(2018) Bera, A, Mishra, U, Roy, SS, Biswas, A, Sen, A and Sen, U. Benford analysis of quantum critical phenomena: First digit provides high finite-size scaling exponent while first two and further are not much better. Physics Letters A 382(25), pp. 1639–1644 . DOI:10.1016/j.physleta.2018.04.020. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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(2018) Cascão Júnior, CA, Portugal, AC, Soares, M and da Cunha, FC. Aplicação da Lei de Benford Na Detecção de Jogo de Planilha: O Caso do Estádio Nacional de Brasília. Economics and Politics Working Paper 92/2018 December 4th, 2018, University of Brasilia, Economics and Politics Research Group–EPRG (also published as Trabalho apresentado no XVIII Simpósio Nacional de Auditoria de Obras Públicas – João Pessoa, PB). POR View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2018) Cella, RS and Zanolla, E. Benford’s Law and transparency: an analysis of municipal expenditure. Brazilian Business Review, 15(4), pp. 331-347. DOI:10.15728/bbr.2018.15.4.2. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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(2018) Macías, ALO and Ogua, ST. Encontrando datos anómalos en la tributación. Aplicación de la Ley de Benford en el Impuesto a la Renta en Ecuador [Finding anomalous data in taxation. Application of the Benford Law on Income Tax in Ecuador]. SaberEs 10(2), pp. 173-188. SPA View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
(2018) Makrushin, A, Kraetzer, C, Neubert, T and Dittmann, J. Generalized Benford's Law for Blind Detection of Morphed Face Images. In: IH&MMSec '18 Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, pp. 49-54 . DOI:10.1145/3206004.3206018. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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(2019) Al-Bandawi, H and Deng, G. Classification of image distortion based on the generalized Benford’s law. Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1-18. DOI:10.1007/s11042-019-7668-3. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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(2023) White, GL. Teaching Case: Election Security and Technology Education. Journal of The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education 10(1). DOI:10.53735/cisse.v10i1.171. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2023) Wilson, L. Benford’s Law and its Applications to Accounting. Mathematics Student Projects, Taylor University. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2023) Wiryadinata, D, Sugiharto, A and Tarno. The Use of Machine Learning to Detect Financial Transaction Fraud: Multiple Benford Law Model for Auditors. Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Business Intelligence 9(2), pp. 239-252. DOI:10.20473/jisebi.9.2.239-252. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2023) Yang, C-J, Turowski, JM, Zhou, Q, Nativ, R, Tang, H and Chen, W-S. Measuring bedload motion time at sub-second resolution using Benford’s law on acoustic data. Preprint on ESS Open Archive. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2023) Youkta, K, Paramanik, RN and Nupur, S. Does Digital Awareness Reduce Misreporting of Covid-19 Data? An Empirical Investigation. Review of Economic Analysis 15(3-4), pp. 271-283. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2023) Zhang, F and Wang, Z. Exploring the Law of Numbers: Evidence from China's Real Estate. Preprint arXiv:2309.05221 [cs.CL]; last accessed September 21, 2023. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2023) Zhou, Q, Tang, H, Turowski, JM, Braun, J, Dietze, M, Walter, F, Yang, C-J and Lagarde, S. Benford’s law as mass movement detector in seismic signals. Preprint - manuscript submitted to Geophysical Research Letters. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2023) Zhou, Q, Tang, H, Turowski, JM, Braun, J, Yang, C-J, Dietze, M, Lagarde, S, Abdelwahab, A and Walter, F. Detection of debris-flow events from seismic signals using Benford's law. E3S Web of Conf. 415, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation (DFHM8) . DOI:10.1051/e3sconf/202341503033. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2024) Arslan, U, Calıyurt, KT and Kahyaoglu, SB. Financial statement anomaly detection based on Benford law and Beneish model: Case of a public sector hospital. The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter 69, pp.69-87. DOI:10.1080/07366981.2024.2312018. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2024) Fang, X, Miller, SJ, Sun, M and Verga, A. Benford’s Law and Random Integer Decomposition with Congruence Stopping Condition. Preprint. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2024) Fernandes, P, Ó Ciardhuáin, S and Antunes, M. Uncovering Manipulated Files Using Mathematical Natural Laws. In: Vasconcelos, V., Domingues, I., Paredes, S. (eds) Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications. CIARP 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14469. Springer, Cham . DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-49018-7_4. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
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(2024) Jiang, C, Zhang, X and Hu, B. Government reporting credibility as immunity: Evidence from a public health event. Journal of Multinational Financial Management 73. DOI:10.1016/j.mulfin.2024.100847. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
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(2024) Pain, J-C and Ralchenko, Y. Benford’s law in atomic spectra and opacity databases. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 322. DOI:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2024.109010. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2024) Patterson, C and Scheepers, M. Benford's Law in the ring ℤ(√ D). Preprint arXiv: 2402.10864[math.NT]; last accessed May 13, 2024. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
(2024) Pinheiro, MF. Newcomb-Benford Law in public procurement contracts. Master Thesis, NOVA Information Management School, Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work