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Raftopoulou, P, Koubarakis, M, Stergiou, K and Triantafillou, P (2005). Fair resource allocation in a simple multi-agent setting: search algorithms and experimental evaluation. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 14(6), pp. 887-899.

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Joksimović, D, Knežević, G, Pavlović, V, Ljubić, M and Surovy, V (2017). Some Aspects of the Application of Benford’s Law in the Analysis of the Data Set Anomalies. In: Knowledge Discovery in Cyberspace: Statistical Analysis and Predictive Modeling. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 85–120. ISSN/ISBN:978-1-53610-566-7. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work