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Sambridge, M, Tkalčić, H and Jackson, A (2010). Benford's law in the Natural Sciences. Geophysical Research Letters 37: L22301.

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Alipour, A and Alipour, S (2019). Application of Benford’s Law in Analyzing Geotechnical Data. Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal 52(2), pp. 323 – 334. DOI:10.22059/ceij.2019.272005.1534. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Arezzo, MF and Cerqueti, R (2023). A Benford’s Law view of inspections’ reasonability. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 632, Part 1, pp. 129294. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2023.129294. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Arshadi, L and Jahangir, AH (2014). Benford's law behavior of Internet traffic. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 40, April 2014, pp. 194–205. ISSN/ISBN:1084-8045. DOI:10.1016/j.jnca.2013.09.007. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Ausloos, M, Cerqueti, R and Mir, TA (2017). Data science for assessing possible tax income manipulation: The case of Italy. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 104, pp. 238–256. DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2017.08.012. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Ausloos, M, Herteliu, C and Ileanu, B-V (2015). Breakdown of Benford’s law for birth data. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 419, pp. 736–745. ISSN/ISBN:0378-4371. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2014.10.041. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Azevedo, CdS, Gonçalves, RF, Gava, VL and Spinola, MdM (2021). A Benford’s Law based methodology for fraud detection in social welfare programs: Bolsa Familia analysis. Physica A 567, p. 125626. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2020.125626. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Baumeister, J and Macedo, TG (2011). Von den Zufallszahlen und ihrem Gebrauch. Stand: 21, November 2011. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Beiglou, PHB, Gibbs, C, Rivers, L, Adhikari, U and Mitchell, J (2017). Applicability of Benford’s Law to Compliance Assessment of Self-Reported Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Data. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 19(04). DOI:10.1142/S146433321750017X. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Benedito-Nunes, AM, Gamper, J, Chapman, SC, Friel, M and Gjerloev, JW (2023). Newcomb-Benford Law characterization of solar wind magnetic field and geomagnetic indices. Posted on Authorea; last accessed April 29, 2023. DOI:10.22541/essoar.168121593.35845953/v1. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Benedito-Nunes, AM, Gamper, J, Chapman, SC, Friel, M and Gjerloev, JW (2023). Newcomb-Benford Law as a generic flag for changes in the derivation of long-term solar terrestrial physics timeseries. RAS Techniques and Instruments, pp. rzad041. DOI:10.1093/rasti/rzad041. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Bera, A, Mishra, U, Roy, SS, Biswas, A, Sen, A and Sen, U (2018). Benford analysis of quantum critical phenomena: First digit provides high finite-size scaling exponent while first two and further are not much better. Physics Letters A 382(25), pp. 1639–1644 . DOI:10.1016/j.physleta.2018.04.020. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Berger, A (2015). Most linear flows on ℝ^d are Benford . Journal of Differential Equations 259(5), pp. 1933–1957. DOI:10.1016/j.jde.2015.03.016. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Berger, A and Eshun, G (2014). Benford solutions of linear difference equations. Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Volume 102, pp. 23-60. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-662-44139-8. DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-44140-4_2. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Berger, A and Eshun, G (2016). A characterization of Benford's law in discrete-time linear systems. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 28(2), pp. 432-469. ISSN/ISBN:1040-7294. DOI:10.1007/s10884-014-9393-y. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Berger, A and Hill, TP (2015). An Introduction to Benford's Law. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ. ISSN/ISBN:9780691163062. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Bhole, G, Shukla, A and Mahesh, TS (2014). Benford distributions in NMR. Preprint arXiv:1406.7077 []; last accessed June 7, 2018. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Bhole, G, Shukla, A and Mahesh, TS (2015). Benford analysis: A useful paradigm for spectroscopic analysis. Chemical Physics Letters 639, pp. 36–40. DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2015.08.061. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Biau, D. (2015). The first-digit frequencies in data of turbulent flows. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Volume 440, pp. 147-154. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2015.08.016. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Bormashenko, E, Shulzinger, E, Whyman, G and Bormashenko, Y (2016). Benford’s law, its applicability and breakdown in the IR spectra of polymers. Physica A 444, pp. 524–529. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2015.10.090. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Burgos, A and Santos, A (2021). The Newcomb–Benford law: Scale invariance and a simple Markov process based on it (Previous title: The Newcomb–Benford law: Do physicists use more frequently the key 1 than the key 9?). Preprint arXiv:2101.12068 [physics.pop-ph]; last accessed August 8, 2022; Published Am. J. Phys. 89, pp. 851-861. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Campanelli, L (2022). On the Euclidean distance statistic of Benford’s law. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, pp. 1-24. DOI:10.1080/03610926.2022.2082480}. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Campanelli, L (2022). Testing Benford's Law: from small to very large data sets. Spanish Journal of Statistics 4(1), pp. 41-54. DOI:10.37830/SJS.2022.1.03. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Campanelli, L (2022). Breaking Benford’s law: A statistical analysis of Covid-19 data using the Euclidean distance statistic. Preprint submitted to Statistics in Transition. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Campanelli, L (2022). Monkeypox Obeys the (Benford's) Law: A Dynamic Analysis of Daily Case Counts in the United States of America. Preprint submitted to Statistics in Tran- sition new series.. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Campanelli, L (2022). Tuning up the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for testing Benford’s law. Preprint on ResearchGate. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Cerqueti, R and Lupi, C (2021). Some New Tests of Conformity with Benford's Law. Stats 4(3), pp. 745-761. DOI:10.3390/stats4030044. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Cerqueti, R and Maggi, M (2021). Data validity and statistical conformity with Benford’s Law. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 144, p. 110740 . DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2021.110740. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Cerqueti, R and Provenzano, D (2023). Benford's Law for economic data reliability: The case of tourism flows in Sicily. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 173, p. 113635. DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113635. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Cerri, J (2018). A fish rots from the head down: how to use the leading digits of ecological data to detect their falsification. Preprint, bioRxiv p. 368951. DOI:10.1101/368951. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Chanda, T, Das, T, Sadhukhan, D, Pal, AK, Sen(De), A and Sen, U (2015). Statistics of leading digits leads to unification of quantum correlations. Europhysics Letters 114(3). DOI:10.1209/0295-5075/114/30004. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Chen, T and Tsourakakis, CE (2022). AntiBenford Subgraphs: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Financial Networks. Preprint arXiv:2205.13426 [cs.; last accessed June 9, 2022. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Chenavier, N, Massé, B and Schneider, D (2018). Products of random variables and the first digit phenomenon. Preprint arXiv:1512.06049 [math.PR]; last accessed January 9, 2019. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Clippe, P and Ausloos, M (2012). Benford's law and Theil transform of financial data. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 391(24), pp. 6556–6567. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Courtland, R (2010). Curious mathematical law is rife in nature. Issue 2782, New Scientist, 14 October. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Dahlstrom, KL and Clegg, CP (2015). The DNA of Scripture. Westbow Press: Bloomington, IN. ISSN/ISBN:978-1-4908-7600-9. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Dantuluri, A and Desai, S (2018). Do tau lepton branching fractions obey Benford's law?. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 506, pp. 919-928. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2018.05.013. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Davic, RD (2022). Correspondence of Newcomb-Benford law with ecological processes . Posted on bioRxiv preprint server of Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory June 27, 2022 . DOI:10.1101/2022.06.27.497806. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
de Macedo, IAS and de Figueiredo, JJS (2018). Using Benford’s law on the seismic reflectivity analysis. Interpretation 6(3), pp. T689-T697. DOI:10.1190/int-2017-0201.1. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
de Macedo, IAX (2019). On the well-to-seismic-tie analysis: effects of the borehole geometry and assumptions on wavelet estimation . Ph.d Thesis, Federal University of Pará Institute of Geosciences Geophysics Graduate Program. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
DeHaan, M (2011). The surprising “Benford’s law” of leading digits. Posted on Decoding Science website; last updated November 12, 2019; last accessed December 9, 2019. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Diaz, J, Gallart, J and Ruiz, M (2014). On the Ability of the Benford’s Law to Detect Earthquakes and Discriminate Seismic Signals. Seismological Research Letters 86(1), pp. 192-201. DOI:10.1785/0220140131. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Eckhartt, GM and Ruxton, GD (2023). Investigating and preventing scientific misconduct using Benford’s Law. Research Integrity and Peer Review 8(1). DOI:10.1186/s41073-022-00126-w. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Egbunike, FC and Amakor, CI (2013). Fraud & auditors analytical procedure: A test of Benford’s law. EBS Journal of Management Sciences 1(1), pp. 14-31. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Eliazar, II (2013). Benford's Law: A Poisson Perspective. Physica A 392(16) pp. 3360–3373. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2013.03.057. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Fallico, D (2023). Searching Applications of Benford’s Law to Investigate Beam Jitter. Presentation for Teacher Research Associate (TRAC) Program at Fermilab. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Filho, TMR, Mendes, JFF, Lucio, ML and Moret, MA (2022). Reliability of COVID-19 data and government policies. Preprint arXiv:2208.11226 [physics.soc-ph]; last accessed August 31, 2022. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Filho, TMR, Mendes, JFF, Lucio, ML and Moret, MA (2023). COVID-19 data, mitigation policies and Newcomb–Benford law. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 174 p. 113814. DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113814. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Friar, JL, Goldman, T and Pérez-Mercader, J (2016). Ubiquity of Benford’s law and emergence of the reciprocal distribution. Physics Letters A 380(22), pp. 1895–1899. ISSN/ISBN:0375-9601. DOI:10.1016/j.physleta.2016.03.045. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
García-Sosa, AT (2019). Benford's law in medicinal chemistry: Implications for drug design. Future Medicinal Chemistry 11(17), pp. 2247-2253. DOI:10.4155/fmc-2019-0006. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Geyer, A and Martì, J (2012). Applying Benford’s law to volcanology. Geology 40(4), pp. 327-330. DOI:10.1130/G32787.1 . View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Goh, C (2020). Applying visual analytics to fraud detection using Benford's law. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, pp. 1-7. DOI:10.1002/jcaf.22440. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Gonsalves, RA (2020). Benford’s Law — A Simple Explanation. Posted on blog October 1; last accessed October 10, 2020. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Gramm, R, Yost, J, Su, Q and Grobe, R (2017). Applications of the first digit law to measure correlations. Phys. Rev. E 95, 042136. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.95.042136. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Hulme, PE, Ahmed, DA, Haubrock, PJ, Kaiser, BA, Kourantidou, M, Leroy, B and McDermott, SM (2023). Widespread imprecision in estimates of the economic costs of invasive alien species worldwide. Science of the Total Environment, pp. 167997. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167997. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Hürlimann, W (2015). On the uniform random upper bound family of first significant digit distributions. Journal of Informetrics, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 349–358. DOI:10.1016/j.joi.2015.02.007. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Hürlimann, W (2015). Benford's Law in Scientific Research. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 7, pp. 143-148. ISSN/ISBN:2229-5518. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Ileanu, B-V, Ausloos, M, Herteliu, C and Cristescu, MP (2019). Intriguing behavior when testing the impact of quotation marks usage in Google search results. Quality & Quantity 53(5), pp. 2507-2519. DOI:10.1007/s11135-018-0771-0. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Iorliam, A (2019). Combination of Natural Laws (Benford’s Law and Zipf’s Law) for Fake News Detection. In: Cybersecurity in Nigeria. SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity. Springer, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-15210-9_3. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Iorliam, A (2019). Natural Laws (Benford’s Law and Zipf’s Law) for Network Traffic Analysis. In: Cybersecurity in Nigeria. SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity. Springer, Cham, pp. 3-22. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-030-15210-9. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-15210-9_2. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Irwin, J (2015). The Effective Use of Benford’s Law to Assist in Detecting Fraud in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Data. Faculty Forum, Issue No. 21, Spring 2015, The University of South Carolina Salkehatchie Campus. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Jalan, A, Matkovskyy, R and Yarovaya, L (2021). “Shiny” crypto assets: A systemic look at gold-backed cryptocurrencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Review of Financial Analysis 78, p. 101958 . DOI:10.1016/j.irfa.2021.101958. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Joannes-Boyau, R, Bodin, T, Scheffers, A, Sambridge, M and May, SM (2015). Using Benford’s law to investigate Natural Hazard dataset homogeneity. Nature -Scientific Reports 5:12046, pp. 1-8 . DOI:10.1038/srep12046. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Kak, S (2018). Variations on the Newcomb-Benford Law. Preprint arXiv:1806.06695 [physics.soc-ph]; last accessed January 31, 2022. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Kak, S (2022). The Iterated Newcomb-Benford Distribution for Structured Systems. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 8, p. 51. DOI:10.1007/s40819-022-01251-2. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Kauko, K (2024). How to detect what drives deviations from Benford’s law? An application to bank deposit data. Empir. Econ (2024). View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Kopczewski, T and Okhrimenko, I (2019). Playing with Benford’s Law. e-mentor 80(3), pp. 34−44 . View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Kossovsky, AE (2012). Statistician's New Role as a Detective - Testing Data for Fraud. Ciencias Económicas 30(2), pp. 179-200 . ISSN/ISBN:0252-9521. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Kossovsky, AE (2014). Benford's Law: Theory, the General Law of Relative Quantities, and Forensic Fraud Detection Applications. World Scientific Publishing Company: Singapore. ISSN/ISBN:978-981-4583-68-8. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Kossovsky, AE (2014). Arithmetical Tugs of War and Benford's Law. Preprint arXiv:1410.2174 [math.ST]; last accessed October 19, 2020. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Kossovsky, AE (2015). Random Consolidations and Fragmentations Cycles Lead to Benford' Law. Preprint arXiv:1505.05235 [math.ST]; last accessed October 19, 2020. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Kossovsky, AE (2016). Exponential Growth Series and Benford's Law. Preprint arXiv:1606.04425 [math.ST]; last accessed October 19, 2020. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Kreuzer, M, Jordan, D, Antkowiak, B, Drexler, B, Kochs, EF and Schneider, G (2014). Brain electrical activity obeys Benford's law. Anesth. Analg. 118(1), pp. 183-91. DOI:10.1213/ANE.0000000000000015. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Lemons, DS, Lemons, N and Peter, W (2021). First Digit Oscillations. Stats 4(3), pp. 595-601. DOI:10.3390/stats4030035. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Leoni, RC, dos Santos, GS, Mendonça, MM, Sampaio, NAS and Silva, JWdeJ (2020). Aplicação da lei de Newcomb-Benford no auxílio à detecção de fraudes [Application of Newcomb-Benford law to aid fraud detection]. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.] 9(8), p. e314985276 . DOI:10.33448/rsd-v9i8.5276. POR View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Leung, CH, Luo, YB, Lok, TC and Luo, ZC (2021). Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19 Data Quality Based on Benford's Law-- Take Data from 51 Countries and Regions as an Example. Science Innovation 9(2), pp. 53-62. DOI:10.11648/ CHI View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Li, Q and Fu, Z (2016). Quantifying non-stationarity effects on organization of atmospheric turbulent eddy motion by Benford’s law. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 33, pp. 91–98. DOI:10.1016/j.cnsns.2015.09.006. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Li, Q, Fu, Z and Yuan, N (2015). Beyond Benford's Law: Distinguishing Noise from Chaos. PLoS ONE, 10, e0129161. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0129161. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Madahali, L and Hall, M (2020). Application of the Benford’s law to Social bots and Information Operations activities. International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA), Dublin, Ireland, pp. 1-8. DOI:10.1109/CyberSA49311.2020.9139709. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mamidipaka, P and Desai, S (2022). Do Pulsar and Fast Radio Burst dispersion measures obey Benford's law?. Preprint arXiv:2207.09696 [astro-ph.HE]; last accessedAugust 8, 2022. DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2207.09696 . View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mamidipaka, P and Desai, S (2023). Do pulsar and Fast Radio Burst dispersion measures obey Benford's law?. Astroparticle Physics 144, p. 102761 . DOI:10.1016/j.astropartphys.2022.102761. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mangalagiri, J, Jyothi, CSP and Ramya, P (2018). Benford’s Law and Stock Market - The Implications for Investors: The Evidence from India Nifty Fifty. Jindal Journal of Business Research 7(2), pp. 103–121 . DOI:10.1177/2278682118777029. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mansouri, E, Mostajabi, A, Schulz, W, Diendorfer, G, Rubinstein, M and Rachidi , F (2022). On the Use of Benford’s Law to Assess the Quality of the Data Provided by Lightning Locating Systems. Atmosphere 13(4), pp. 552. ISSN/ISBN:2073-4433. DOI:10.3390/atmos13040552. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
McCarville, D (2021). A data transformation process for using Benford’s Law with bounded data. Preprint [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review], Emerald Open Research 3(29). DOI:10.35241/emeraldopenres.14374.1. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Mir, TA (2011). Law of the leading digits and the ideological struggle for numbers. physics arXiv:1104.3948. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2011.09.001. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mir, TA (2012). The law of the leading digits and the world religions. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391 (2012), pp. 792-798. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2011.09.001. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mir, TA (2014). The Benford law behavior of the religious activity data. Physica A 408, pp. 1-9. DOI:10.1016/j.physa.2014.03.074. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mir, TA (2016). Citations to articles citing Benford's law: a Benford analysis. arXiv:1602.01205; posted Feb 3, 2016. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mir, TA (2016). The leading digit distribution of the worldwide illicit financial flows. Quality & Quantity vol. 50, p. 271-281. DOI:10.1007/s11135-014-0147-z. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mir, TA, Ausloos, M and Cerqueti, R (2014). Benford’s law predicted digit distribution of aggregated income taxes: the surprising conformity of Italian cities and regions. Eur. Phys. J. B (2014) 87: 261. ISSN/ISBN:1434-6028. DOI:10.1140/epjb/e2014-50525-2. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mir, TA, Darzi, MA, Ishtiaq, PM and Mufti, S (2023). Benford’s law: an application to sunspot data. Preprint posted on Research Square. DOI:10.21203/ View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Miraglia, JE and Gravielle, MS (2021). The atomic ionization, capture, and stopping cross sections by multicharged ions satisfy the Benford law. Preprint arXiv:2106.06099 [physics.atom-ph]; last accessed June 18, 2021. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Morillas-Jurado, FG, Caballer-Tarazona, M and Caballer-Tarazona, V (2022). Applying Benford’s Law to Monitor Death Registration Data: A Management Tool for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mathematics 10(1), 46. DOI:10.3390/math10010046. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Noleto-Filho, EM, Carvalho, AR, Thomè-Souza, MJF and Angelini, R (2022). Reporting the accuracy of small–scale fishing data by simply applying Benford’s law. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, pp. 947503. DOI:10.3389/fmars.2022.947503. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Özkundakci, D and Pingram, MA (2019). Nature favours “one” as the leading digit in phytoplankton abundance data. Limnologica 78, p. 125707 . DOI:10.1016/j.limno.2019.125707. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Pröger, L, Griesberger, P, Hackländer, K, Brunner, N and Kühleitner, M (2021). Benford’s Law for Telemetry Data of Wildlife. Stats 4(4), pp. 943–949. DOI:10.3390/ stats4040055. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Rane, AD, Mishra, U, Biswas, A, De, AS and Sen, U (2014). Benford's law gives better scale exponents in phase transitions of quantum XY models. Phys. Rev. E 90(2), p. 022144 (previously available from DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.90.022144. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Reuters Staff (2020). Fact check: Deviation from Benford’s Law does not prove election fraud. Posted on, November 10; last accessed December 1, 2020. NOTE: Some information in this posting has been disputed. Please see for details. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Ross, KA (2011). Benford's Law, a growth industry. American Mathematical Monthly 118 (7), pp. 571-583. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9890. DOI:10.4169/amer.math.monthly.118.07.571. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Rubin, AE (2021). Benford’s law: Applications to ordinary-chondrite mass distributions. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, pp. 1-14. DOI:10.1111/maps.13626. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Sahu, SK, Java, A and Shaikh, A (2021). On The Connection of Benford’s Law and Neural Networks. Preprint arXiv:2102.03313 [cs.LG]; last accessed February 21, 2021. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Sahu, SK, Java, A and Shaikh, A (2021). Rethinking Neural Networks with Benford’s Law. Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences (NeurIPS 2021). View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
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