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Christian, CW and Gupta, S (1993). New evidence on "Secondary Evasion". The Journal of the American Taxation Association 15(1), pp. 72-93.

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Arslan, U, Calıyurt, KT and Kahyaoglu, SB (2024). Financial statement anomaly detection based on Benford law and Beneish model: Case of a public sector hospital. The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter 69, pp.69-87. DOI:10.1080/07366981.2024.2312018. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Bonache, A, Moris, K and Maurice, J (2009). Risque associé à l'utilisation de la loi de Benford pour détecter les fraudes dans le secteur de la mode [Risk of Reviews based on Benford Law in the Fashion Sector]. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) Paper No. 15352, posted 26 May 2009. FRE View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Brähler, G, Bensmann, M and Jakobi, HR (2011). Das Benfordsche Gesetz und seine Anwendbarkeit bei der digitalen Prüfung von Fahrtenbüchern. Ilmenauer Schriften zur Betriebswirtschaftslehre 3/2011. ISSN/ISBN:978-3-940882-28-8. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Busta, B and Sundheim, R (1992). Tax return numbers tend to obey Benford's law. Center for Business Research Working Paper No. W93-106-94, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Cerqueti, R and Provenzano, D (2023). Benford's Law for economic data reliability: The case of tourism flows in Sicily. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 173, p. 113635. DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113635. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Costa, JI (2012). Desenvolvimento de metodologias contabilométricas aplicadas a auditoria contábil digital: uma proposta de análise da lei de Newcomb-Benford para os Tribunais de Contas. Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil. POR View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Dickinson, JR (2002). A universal mathematical law criterion for algorithmic validity. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning 29, pp. 26-33. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
El Mouaaouy, F and Riepe, J (2018). Benford and the Internal Capital Market: A Useful Indicator of Managerial Engagement. German Economic Review 19, pp. 309-329. DOI:10.1111/geer.12129. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Ettredge, ML and Srivastava, RP (1999). Using digital analysis to enhance data integrity. Issues in Accounting Education 14(4), pp. 675-690. DOI:10.2308/iace.1999.14.4.675. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Galati, L (2020). Do Municipally Owned Utilities Round Earnings Before Elections? An Application of the Benford's Law. Unpublished Master's Dissertation, University of Molise. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.36384.51204. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Heilig, F and Lusk, EJ (2017). A robust Newcomb-Benford account screening profiler: An audit decision support system. International Journal of Financial Research 8(3), pp. 27-39. DOI:10.5430/ijfr.v8n3p27. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Jianu, Io and Jianu, Iu (2021). Reliability of Financial Information from the Perspective of Benford’s Law. Entropy 23(5), article no. 557. DOI:10.3390/e23050557. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Johnson, GG (2005). Financial Sleuthing Using Benford's Law to Analyze Quarterly Data with Various Industry Profiles. Journal of Forensic Accounting 6(2), pp. 293-316. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Jordan, CE and Clark, SJ (2022). Do Financial Items Determined Using Estimates and/or Professional Judgment Adhere to Benford’s Law of First Digits?. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics24(4), pp. 10-21. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Kossovsky, AE (2014). Benford's Law: Theory, the General Law of Relative Quantities, and Forensic Fraud Detection Applications. World Scientific Publishing Company: Singapore. ISSN/ISBN:978-981-4583-68-8. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Leoni, RC, dos Santos, GS, Mendonça, MM, Sampaio, NAS and Silva, JWdeJ (2020). Aplicação da lei de Newcomb-Benford no auxílio à detecção de fraudes [Application of Newcomb-Benford law to aid fraud detection]. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.] 9(8), p. e314985276 . DOI:10.33448/rsd-v9i8.5276. POR View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Martín, AB (2003). Sistematización del proceso de depuración de los datos en estudios con seguimientos. PhD Thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. SPA View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Mochty, L (2002). Die Aufdeckung von Manipulationen im Rechnungswesen - Was leistet das Benford's Law?. Die Wirtschaftsprüfung 14, pp. 725-736. GER View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Mukherjee, S (2018). Can Benford's Law explain CEO pay?. Corporate Governance 26(2), pp. 143-156. DOI:10.1111/corg.12195. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Nigrini, MJ (1992). The Detection of Income Tax Evasion Through an Analysis of Digital Frequencies. PhD thesis, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Nigrini, MJ (1996). A taxpayer compliance application of Benford’s law. Journal of the American Taxation Association 18(1), pp. 72-91. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Nigrini, MJ (1996). Digital Analysis and the Reduction of Auditor Litigation Risk. Proceedings of the 1996 Deloitte & Touche / University of Kansas Symposium on Auditing Problems, ed. M. Ettredge, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, pp. 69-81. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Nigrini, MJ (2011). Forensic Analytics: Methods and Techniques for Forensic Accounting Investigations. John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, New Jersey; (2nd edition published in 2020, isbn 978-1-119-58576-3). ISSN/ISBN:978-0-470-89046-2. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Nigrini, MJ (2015). Persistent Patterns in Stock Returns, Stock Volumes, and Accounting Data in the U.S. Capital Markets. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Vol. 30(4) pp. 541–557. DOI:10.1177/0148558X15584051. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Nigrini, MJ (2017). Audit Sampling Using Benford's Law: A Review of the Literature With Some New Perspectives. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 29–46. DOI:10.2308/jeta-51783. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Nigrini, MJ and Mittermaier, LJ (1997). The use of Benford's Law as an aid in analytical procedures. Auditing - A Journal of Practice & Theory 16(2), 52-67. ISSN/ISBN:0278-0380. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Özevin, O, Yücel, R and Öncü, MA (2020). Fraud Detecting with Benford’s Law: An Alternative Approach with {BDS} and Critic Values. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi 22(1), pp. 107-126. DOI:10.31460/mbdd.609957. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Parnes, D (2022). Banks’ Off-Balance Sheet Manipulations. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. DOI:10.1016/j.qref.2022.07.011. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Quick, R and Wolz, M (2005). Benford’s law in German financial statements. Finance India, 19 (4), 1285-1302. ISSN/ISBN:09703772. View Complete Reference No online information available Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Radiah, O and Ameer, R (2020). Benford Law and Earnings Analysis: International Comparison. Ch. 18 in: Handbook of Research on Accounting and Financial Studies, L. Farinha, A. Baltazar Cruz and J.R. Sebastião, IGI Global: Hershey, PA, pp. 381-404 . ISSN/ISBN:9781799821366. DOI:10.4018/978-1-7998-2136-6.ch018. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references No Bibliography works reference this work
Ribeiro, DH and Monsueto, SE (2015). Lei de Newcomb-Benford Aplicada no Controle interno nas empresas: um estudo de caso no controle de lançamentos financeiros [Newcomb-Benford Law Applied To Internal Control In Business: A Case Study In The Control Of Financial Releases]. Revista de Administração da Unimep – RAU 13(1), pp. 1-18 . DOI:10.15600/1679-5350/rau.v13n1p1-18 . POR View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Singh, K and Best, P (2020). Implementing Benford’s law in continuous monitoring applications. Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems 2, pp. 379-404. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Wallace, WA (2002). Assessing the quality of data used for benchmarking and decision-making. The Journal of Government Financial Management 51(3), pp. 16-22. View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work