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Rousseau, C (2010). Apprendre à frauder ou à détecter les fraudes?. Accromαth 5, Été-automne, pp. 2-7. FRE

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Costa, JI (2012). Desenvolvimento de metodologias contabilométricas aplicadas a auditoria contábil digital: uma proposta de análise da lei de Newcomb-Benford para os Tribunais de Contas. Thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil. POR View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work
Genest, V and Genest, C (2011). La loi de Newcomb-Benford ou la loi du premier chiffre significatif. Bulletin Association Mathématique du Québec, Vol. LI, no 2, pp. 22-39. FRE View Complete Reference Online information Works that this work references Works that reference this work