This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Delahaye, J-P (1999). L'étonnante loi de Benford. Pour la Science No. 351, pp. 90-95. FRE | ||||
Gauvrit, N and Delahaye, J-P (2009). Loi de Benford générale (General Benford Law). Mathématiques et sciences humaines/ Mathematics and Social Sciences 186, pp. 5–15. FRE | ||||
Nebel, J-C and Pezzulli, S (2012). Distribution of Human Genes Observes Zipf's Law. Kingston University Research & Innovation Reports (KURIR), Vol. 8, 2012. ISSN/ISBN:1749-5652. | ||||
Stoschek, EP and Schönfeld, D (2002). Benford's Law - Places of interest near Benford's Law. Module 45 of: Workshop on Design of Algorithms. GER |