Schatte, P (1988). On a law of the iterated logarithm for sums mod 1 with application to Benford's law. Probability Theory and Related Fields 77(2), 167-178.
This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Note that this list may be incomplete, and is currently being updated. Please check again at a later date.
Berger, A and Hill, TP (2011). A basic theory of Benford's Law . Probability Surveys 8, pp. 1-126. DOI:10.1214/11-PS175.
De Ceuster, MJK, Dhaene, G and Schatteman, T (1998). On the hypothesis of psychological barriers in stock markets and Benford’s law. Journal of Empirical Finance 5(3), pp. 263-279. DOI:10.1016/S0927-5398(97)00024-8.
Schatte, P (1988). On mantissa distributions in computing and Benford’s law. Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics EIK 24(9), 443-455. ISSN/ISBN:0863-0593.
Schatte, P (1988). On the Almost Sure Convergence of Floating-Point Mantissas and Benford Law. Math. Nachr. 135, 79-83. ISSN/ISBN:0025-584X. DOI:10.1002/mana.19881350108.
Schatte, P (1989). On measures of uniformly distributed sequences and Benford's law. Monatshefte für Mathematik 107(3), 245-256. ISSN/ISBN:0026-9255. DOI:10.1007/BF01300347.
Schatte, P (1991). On a uniform law of the iterated logarithm for sums mod 1 and Benford’s law. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 31(1), 133-142. DOI:10.1007/BF00972327.