Schatte, P (1981). On random variables with logarithmic mantissa distribution relative to several bases. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 17(4/6), 293-295.
This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Note that this list may be incomplete, and is currently being updated. Please check again at a later date.
Benford, FA (2020). Fourier Analysis and Benford Random Variables. Preprint arXiv:arXiv:2006.07136 [stat.OT]; last accessed June 20, 2020.
Berger, A (2005). Dynamics and digits: on the ubiquity of Benford’s law. In: F. Dumortier, H. Broer, J. Mahwin, A. Vanderbauwhede, S. Verduyn Lunel (eds): Proceedings of Equadiff 2003. World Scientific, pp. 693-695. DOI:10.1142/9789812702067_0115 .
Berger, A and Hill, TP (2011). A basic theory of Benford's Law . Probability Surveys 8, pp. 1-126. DOI:10.1214/11-PS175.
Dorrestijn, J (2008). Graphing conformity of distributions to Benford’s Law for various bases. MSc thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Drmota, M and Tichy, RF (1997). Sequences, Discrepancies and Applications. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1651.
Schatte, P (1986). On the Asymptotic Logarithmic Distribution of the Floating-Point Mantissas of Sums. Math. Nachr. 127, 7-20. ISSN/ISBN:0025-584X. DOI:10.1002/mana.19861250102.
Schatte, P (1988). On mantissa distributions in computing and Benford’s law. Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics EIK 24(9), 443-455. ISSN/ISBN:0863-0593.
Schatte, P (1998). On Benford's law to variable base. Statistics & Probability Letters 37(4): 391-397. ISSN/ISBN:0167-7152. DOI:10.1016/S0167-7152(97)00142-9.
Wojcik, MR (2013). Notes on scale-invariance and base-invariance for Benford's Law. arXiv:1307.3620 [math.PR].