Eckhartt, GM and Ruxton, GD (2023). Investigating and preventing scientific misconduct using Benford’s Law. Research Integrity and Peer Review 8(1).
This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Note that this list may be incomplete, and is currently being updated. Please check again at a later date.
Dayaratna, KD (2024). Beyond the Ballot: A Survey of Statistical Methods for Uncovering Election Anomalies. The Heritage Foundation Issue Brief No. 5362.
Domínguez- Bustos, AR, Cabrera-Castro, R, Ramos, ML, Abaunza, P and Báez, JC (2024). Using Benford's Law to Detect Possible Biases in Reported Catches of Tropical Tuna From the Indian Ocean. Fisheries Management and Ecology, p. e12749. DOI:10.1111/fme.12749.
Maza-Quiroga, R, Thurnhofer-Hemsi, K, López-Rodríguez, D and López-Rubio, E (2023). Regression of the Rician Noise Level in 3D Magnetic Resonance Images from the Distribution of the First Significant Digit
. Axioms 12, pp. 1117
. DOI:10.3390/axioms12121117.
Parreño, SJE (2024). Analyzing crop production statistics of the Philippines using the newcomb-benford law. Multidisciplinary Science Journal 6(6), pp. 2024079–9.. DOI:10.31893/multiscience.2024079.
Sinaga, ES and Sudharma, NI (2024). Benford’s law analysis to evaluate the quality data of COVID-19 epidemiological surveillance in Indonesia. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) vol. 13 (1), pp. 7-13.
Sorour, MA, Marey, YA, Halim, ITA and Kasem, MM (2024). Statistical Investigation of Scientific Journals Impact Factors in Relation to Benford' s Law. Proceedings of 2024 6th Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES), Giza, Egypt, pp. 521-524. DOI:10.1109/NILES63360.2024.10753145.