Moreno-Montoya, J (2020). Benford ́s Law with small sample sizes: A new exact test useful in health sciences during epidemics. Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud UIS vol. 52(2), pp. 161-163.
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Jošić, H and Žmuk, B (2021). Assessing the Quality of COVID-19 Data: Evidence from Newcomb-Benford Law. Facta Universitatis, in press. DOI:10.22190/FUEO210326008J.
Kennedy, AP and Yam, SCP (2020). On the authenticity of COVID-19 case figures. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0243123. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0243123.
Miranda, AT (2020). The Distribution of COVID-19 Cases in the Philippines and the Benford’s Law. Philippine e-Journal for Applied Research and Development 10, pp. 29-34.