Jäntschi, L, Bolboaca, S, Stoenoiu, C, Iancu, M, Marta, MM and Pică, EM, Ştefu, M, Sestraş, AF, Duda, MM, Sestraş, RE, Ţigan, S, Abrudan, I, and Bălan, MC (2009). Distribution Fitting 4. Benford test on a sample of observed genotypes number from running of a genetic algorithm . Bulletin UASVM Agriculture 66(1), pp. 82-88.
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Coman, D, Horga, M, Danila, A and Coman, M (2018). Using Benford’s Law in the Analysis of Socio-Economic Data. Journal of Science & Arts 42(1), pp. 167-174. ISSN/ISBN:1844 – 9581.