This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Batange, C, Burgett, D, Haws, L and Nelson, SP (2023). The "Benfordness" of Bach Music. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 13(2) pp. 389-397. | ||||
Nelson, SP, Wickman, B, Null, J and Gazin, E (2021). An evaluation of music’s adherence to Benford’s Law throughout history. Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications 67(1), pp. 73-84. DOI:10.18642/jmsaa_7100122222. | ||||
Nelson, SP, Wickman, B, Null, J and Gazin, E (2022). Benford’s Law and Music Note Frequencies. In: Montiel, M., Agustín-Aquino, O.A., Gómez, F., Kastine, J., Lluis-Puebla, E., Milam, B. (eds) Mathematics and Computation in Music. MCM 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13267. Springer, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-07015-0_34. | ||||
Rubin, AE (2021). Benford’s law: Applications to ordinary-chondrite mass distributions. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, pp. 1-14. DOI:10.1111/maps.13626. | ||||
Starunova, OA, Rudney, SG, Ivanova, AE, Semenova, VG and Starodubov, VI (2022). Application of Benford's Law for Quality Assessment of Preventive Screening Data. Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics 17(2), pp. 230-249. DOI:10.17537/2022.17.230. RUS |