This work is cited by the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Alali, FA and Romero, S (2013). Benford’s Law: Analyzing a decade of financial data. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-39. DOI:10.2308/jeta-50749. | ||||
Alshaikh, L (2022). Benford's Law on Social Media. Young Scientists Journal, posted January 16, 2022, last accessed January 31, 2022. | ||||
Avcı, O and Demirci, Z (2016). Benford Kanunu’nun Vergi Denetiminde Kullanımı Ve Bir Örnek Uygulama [Use of Benford's Law in Tax Auditing and A Sample Application] . İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırması Dergisi 5(7), pp. 2232-2246. DOI:10.15869/itobiad.260262. TUR | ||||
Boronico, J, Harris, P and Teplitsky, F (2014). Benford's law and applications for the international auditor. Journal of Internal Auditing 29(6), pp. 32-36. | ||||
Demirdöven, K (2019). Adli Muhasebeciler İçin Benford’un Hukukunun Etkinliğinin Bir Araştirma Araci Olarak Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Benford's Law as a Research Tool for Forensic Accountants]. Masters Project, Istanbul Esenyurt University. TUR | ||||
Durst, RF and Miller, SJ (2017). Benford's Law Beyond Independence: Tracking Benford Behavior in Copula Models. Preprint in arXiv:1801.00212 [math.PR]; last accessed October 23, 2018. | ||||
Flayyih, HH (2013). Using Benford Law in Detecting Earnings Management and its Reflection on the audit quality : In application on a sample of listed companies in the Iraq stock Exchange. Master Thesis, College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad. ARA | ||||
Flayyih, HH, Noorullah, AS, Jari, AS and Hasan, AM (2020). Benford Law: A Fraud Detection Tool Under Financial Numbers Game: A Literature Review. Social Science and Humanities Journal 4(5), pp. 1909-1914. | ||||
Gajdosikova, D, Nagy, M and Valaskova, K (2022). Earnings Management Detection: Practical Application of Benford's Law in Business Practice. Journal of Management and Business: Research and Practice 14(1). ISSN/ISBN:1339-9381. DOI:10.54933/jmbrp-2022-14-1-1. | ||||
Kellerman, L (2014). Evaluating the effectiveness of Benford’s law as an investigative tool for forensic accountants. Masters thesis (Magister Commercii) in Forensic Accountancy at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University. | ||||
Kruger, PS and Yadavalli, VSS (2017). The Power of One: Benford's Law. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering Vol 28(2), pp. 1-13. DOI:10.7166/28-2-1753. | ||||
Kuruppu, N (2019). The Application of Benford’s Law in Fraud Detection: A Systematic Methodology. International Business Research, Canadian Center of Science and Education 12(10), pp. 1-10. DOI:10.5539/ibr.v12n10p1. | ||||
Kuruppu, N (2020). Uncovering Financial Shenanigans: Benford’s Law as a Computer Assisted Analytical Procedure. International Journal of Business and Management 15(7), pp. 37-47. DOI:10.5539/ijbm.v15n7p37. | ||||
Leung, CH, Luo, YB, Lok, TC and Luo, ZC (2021). Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19 Data Quality Based on Benford's Law-- Take Data from 51 Countries and Regions as an Example. Science Innovation 9(2), pp. 53-62. DOI:10.11648/ CHI | ||||
MacDougall, M (2014). Assessing the Integrity of Clinical Data: When is Statistical Evidence Too Good to be True?. Topoi 33(2), pp. 323–337. DOI:10.1007/s11245-013-9216-5. | ||||
Mayo, R (2022). Hidden Risk: Detecting Fraud in Chinese Banks’ Non-performing Loan Data. nternational Journal of Finance & Banking Studies (2147-4486), 11(1), pp. 98–106. DOI:10.20525/ijfbs.v11i1.1550. | ||||
Samancı, TH (2014). Denetimde Benford yaklaşımı [Benford approach in the auditing]. Master Thesis, Atatürk University Social Sciences Institute, Erzurum. TUR | ||||
Shrestha, I (2016). Validity of the Financial Statements: Benford's Law. Preprint, posted on; last accessed June 11, 2019. | ||||
Sowa, A (2011). Forensic Analytics mittels Newcomb-Benford’s Law. Risk, Fraud & Compliance (ZRFC) 5(11), pp. 215–220. GER | ||||
Tahsin, M (2022). Micro and Macro Indexes of Economic Activity: Multiple Indicators and Multiple Methods Using Bangladesh as a Test Case. PhD thesis, Department of Economics, University of Essex, U.K. . | ||||
Tošić, A and Vičič, J (2021). Use of Benford's law on academic publishing networks. Journal of Informetrics 15(3), 101163. DOI:10.1016/j.joi.2021.101163. | ||||
Vičič, J and Tošić, A (2022). Application of Benford’s law on cryptocurrencies. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 17(1), pp. 313-326. DOI:10.3390/jtaer17010016. | ||||
Yanik, R and Samanci, TH (2013). Benford Kanunu ve Muhasebe Verilerinde Uygulanmasına Ait Kamu Sektöründe Bir Uygulama [Benford’s Law and a Practical Implementation in Public Sector About its Application to Accounting Data]. Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences, 17 (1), pp. 335-348. ISSN/ISBN:1304-4990. TUR | ||||
Yildiz, MS (2018). Benford Yasasının Veri Doğruluğunun Değerlendirilmesi Amaçlı Kullanımı: Hastane Verileri İçin Bir Uygulama [Use of Benford's Law to Evaluate Data Accuracy: An Application for Hospital Data]. Yönetim ve Ekonomi 25(3), pp. 849-861. DOI:10.18657/yonveek.336919. TUR | ||||
Zdraveski, D and Janeska, M (2021). Application of Benford's Law for Detecting Manipulation in the Financial Statements in Macedonian Companies. Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 6/2021. |