This work cites the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Berger, A, Bunimovich, LA and Hill, TP (2005). One-dimensional dynamical systems and Benford's law. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 357(1), pp. 197-219. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9947. DOI:10.1090/S0002-9947-04-03455-5. | ||||
Berger, A and Hill, TP (2007). Newton’s method obeys Benford’s law. American Mathematical Monthly 114 (7), pp. 588-601. ISSN/ISBN:0002-9890. | ||||
Diaconis, P (1977). The Distribution of Leading Digits and Uniform Distribution Mod 1. Annals of Probability 5(1), pp. 72-81. ISSN/ISBN:0091-1798. | ||||
Hill, TP (1999). Le premier chiffre significatif fait sa loi. La Recherche Hors Serie 316, pp. 72-74. FRE | ||||
Hüngerbühler, N (2007). Benfords Gesetz über führende Ziffern: Wie die Mathematik Steuersündern das Fürchten lehrt. EDUCETH - Das Bildungsportal der ETH Zürich. GER | ||||
Jolissaint, P (2005). Loi de Benford, relations de récurrence et suites équidistribuées. Elem. Math. 60, pp. 10-18. FRE | ||||
Kuipers, L and Niederreiter, H (1974). Uniform Distribution of Sequences. J. Wiley; newer edition - 2006 from Dover. ISSN/ISBN:0486450198. | ||||
Weyl, H (1916). Über die Gleichverteilung von Zahlen mod Eins. Mathematische Annalen 77, 313-352. ISSN/ISBN:0025-5831. DOI:10.1007/BF01475864. GER |