Nagasaka, K and Shiue, JS (1987). Benford's law for linear recurrence sequences. Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 11(2), pp. 341-351.
This work cites the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Brown, JR and Duncan, RL (1970). Modulo one uniform distribution of the sequence of logarithms of certain recursive sequences. Fibonacci Quarterly 8, pp. 482-486. ISSN/ISBN:0015-0517.
Diaconis, P (1977). The Distribution of Leading Digits and Uniform Distribution Mod 1. Annals of Probability 5(1), pp. 72-81. ISSN/ISBN:0091-1798.
Kuipers, L and Niederreiter, H (1974). Uniform Distribution of Sequences. J. Wiley; newer edition - 2006 from Dover. ISSN/ISBN:0486450198.
Kuipers, L and Shiue, JS (1973). Remark on a paper by Duncan and Brown on the sequence of logarithms of certain recursive sequences. Fibonacci Quarterly 11(3), pp. 292-294.
Nagasaka, K (1984). On Benford's Law. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 36(2), pp. 337-352. ISSN/ISBN:0020-3157. DOI:10.1007/BF02481974.