Al-Bandawi, H and Deng, G (2019). Classification of image distortion based on the generalized Benford’s law. Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1-18.
This work cites the following items of the Benford Online Bibliography:
Benford, F (1938). The law of anomalous numbers. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Mar. 31, 1938), pp. 551-572.
Fu, D, Shi, YQ and Su, W (2007). A generalized Benford’s law for JPEG coefficients and its applications in image forensics. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 6505, Security, Steganography and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX, San Jose, California, January 28 - February 1, 2007, pp. 65051L-65051L-11. DOI:10.1117/12.704723.
Qadir, G, Zhao, X and Ho, ATS (2010). Estimating JPEG2000 Compression for Image Forensics Using the
Benford’s Law. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7723, pp. 77230J1 -77230J10. DOI:10.1117/12.855085.