Uniform Distribution Theory 5(2), pp. 169-182.
ISSN/ISBN: 1336-913X DOI: Not available at this time.
Abstract: We propose a probabilistic interpretation of Benford’s law, which predicts the probability distribution of all digits in everyday-life numbers. Heuristically, our point of view consists in considering an everyday-life number as a continuous random variable taking value in an interval [0,A], whose maximum A is itself an everyday-life number. This approach can be linked to the characterization of Benford’s law by scale-invariance, as well as to the convergence of a product of independent random variables to Benford’s law. It also allows to generalize Flehinger’s result about the convergence of iterations of Cesaro-averages to Benford’s law.
AUTHOR = {Rita Giuliano and Élise Janvresse},
YEAR = {2010},
JOURNAL = {Uniform Distribution Theory},
VOLUME = {5},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {169--182},
URL = {https://math.boku.ac.at/udt/vol05/no2/91GiulJan10-2.pdf},
Reference Type: Journal Article
Subject Area(s): Probability Theory