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Turner, PR (1984)

Further Revelations on L.S.D.

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 4(2), 225-231.

ISSN/ISBN: 0272-4979 DOI: 10.1093/imanum/4.2.225

Abstract: In a recent paper the author showed that the distribution of leading significant digits, l.s.d., resulting from successive multiplications is logarithmic. In this paper these results are extended by establishing, still without any assumptions of invariance to scaling, that this distribution remains invariant under all further arithmetic operations—both multiplicative and additive. The fact that 30% of decimal numbers have l.s.d. 1 persists

@article{, title={Further revelations on {L.S.D.}}, author={Turner, Peter R}, journal={IMA journal of numerical analysis}, volume={4}, number={2}, pages={225--231}, year={1984}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, doi={10.1093/imanum/4.2.225}, }

Reference Type: Journal Article

Subject Area(s): Analysis