Proc. Japan Acad. A 68, 269-272.
ISSN/ISBN: Not available at this time. DOI: Not available at this time.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Goto and Kano investigated log-like functions f and obtained sufficient conditions on the function f for which the sequence {f(pn)}n=1∞ is u.d. mod 1. Unfortunately, we could not understand the proof of the main Theorem 2. In this paper we first modify Goto and Kano’s results and then give a new result
@article {,
AUTHOR = {Too, Yeu-Hua},
TITLE = {On the uniform distribution modulo one of some log-like sequences},
JOURNAL = {Proc. Japan Acad. A},
YEAR = {1992},
VOLUME = {68},
PAGES = {269--272},
URL = {},
Reference Type: Journal Article
Subject Area(s): Analysis, Number Theory