In: F. Dumortier, H. Broer, J. Mahwin, A. Vanderbauwhede, S. Verduyn Lunel (eds): Proceedings of Equadiff 2003. World Scientific, pp. 693-695.
ISSN/ISBN: Not available at this time. DOI: 10.1142/9789812702067_0115
Abstract: The distribution of digits and mantissae in dynamical systems (both in continuous and discrete time) is discussed in light of two simple yet fundamental results. By utilizing shadowing and uniform distribution techniques, it is shown that systems with regular long-term behavior are surprisingly likely to exhibit Benford's logarithmic mantissa distribution | much in contrast to systems with stationary statistical properties. The results complement and extend recent work.
AUTHOR={Berger, Arno},
TITLE={Dynamics and digits: on the ubiquity of Benford’s law},
BOOKTITLE={Proceedings of Equadiff 2003},
EDITOR={F. Dumortier, H. Broer, J. Mahwin, A. Vanderbauwhede, S. Verduyn Lunel },
PUBLISHER={World Scientific},
Reference Type: Conference Paper
Subject Area(s): Analysis, Dynamical Systems