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Branets, S (2019)

Detecting money laundering with Benford’s law and machine learning

Masters Thesis, University of Tartu.

ISSN/ISBN: Not available at this time. DOI: Not available at this time.

Abstract: The thesis develops a new tool that detects money laundering criminals and can be used by financial institutions. It builds on the basis of Benford’s Law and machine learning techniques, applied to the banking data: transactions, carried out by private customers of a mobile bank. The developed algorithm is shown to outperform the traditional rule-based approach.

@Thesis{, AUTHOR = {Solomiya Branets }, TITLE = {Detecting money laundering with Benford’s law and machine learning}, SCHOOL = {University of Tartu}, YEAR = {2019}, TYPE = {Thesis ({Masters})}, URL = {}, NOTE = {last accessed February 10, 2020}, }

Reference Type: Thesis

Subject Area(s): Accounting, Computer Science